Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choicers, I get your point of view!

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice are just words that politicians, the media, the far-right and far-left people use to divide us into two groups. These groups of people demand that we take one side.

You are Pro-Choice if you believe that a woman has the right to decide on what she does with the embryo or the fetus that is inside her womb. Being Pro-Choice is when women have the right to choose to use birth control. Being Pro-Choice is also when an ailing person can decide whether he/she wants to live or not and can then accordingly opt for euthanasia and assisted suicide. Pro-Choice is also when the judicial system is allowed to give a death penalty to a serious crime offender.

Well, to me, all of that sounds correct. A woman must be allowed to decide whether she can use drugs to prevent her from getting pregnant. She must have the right to decide if she wants to keep the child or not as long as the procedure is safe. Yes, serious crimes must be severely punished and the death penalty must be an option. However, I'm still not okay with euthanasia because if that becomes legal globally, the procedure can be severely misused.

You are Pro-Life if you are against abortion because as soon as a child is conceived, it is living and breathing and abortion is nothing but taking away that life. Pro-Life groups believe that contraception is not a right thing. That a death penalty is illegal because no one has the right to take away a life. Even euthanasia and assisted suicide is not the right thing to do according to Pro-Lifers because again we have no right to take away a life. And that, death must be natural and that as humans we are all going to die someday but then death must be a natural thing without any human intervention.

Well, to me, all of that sounds correct as well. Pro-Lifers are right when they say that life begins from day 1 when the seed starts living in a womb -- the germinal stage (Week 1-2), the embryonic stage (Week 2-8) and the fetus stage (Week 8-till birth). If the embryo or the fetus is feeding on what the mother eats and drinks and is growing right from the time it takes seed, it indeed is a living being out there in the womb. That seed doesn’t start growing from Week 15 or Week 20 after which abortion is perhaps unsafe. That embryo is growing from day 1. Pro-Lifers are right when they say that life is something that happened to each one of us and that we should ideally in normal circumstances not take away anyone’s life whether it is through euthanasia or a death penalty.

Looking at the explanations given by Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choicers, they both seem like valid explanations. And both groups can co-exist at the same time. Pro-Lifers live the way they want to live and Pro-Choicers must be given the choice to live the way they think is correct as long as it is safe.

The debate and the polarization happen between these different groups of people when politicians get into the discussions to get our votes. Politicians divided us into groups of right and left; conservatives and liberals; democrats and republicans; white and black; rich and poor. Politicians, of course, need to stay out of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice debates. And, we as people must be able to see the games that some of these politicians play to refrain us from using basic logic. They won’t stay out of the abortion debate because they know there’s where the votes are.

If politicians want to anyhow be a part of the abortion debate, they can if they rally with people and speak for people from both groups. As a governor of a state, a governor must attend both rallies and speak at both the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice rallies showing their support for both groups.

So, hey, Pro-Lifers, I respect your thoughts on life, like totally and absolutely, but closing down abortion clinics or defunding planned parenthood is not a solution because there are many reasons why people are not ready to have a child which could be due to health issues, they are not financially prepared, they are not emotionally and mentally prepared, they are still studying or still in school. Also, I don’t understand your logic on birth control which of course is not abortion – there’s a difference.

Hey, Pro-Choicers, let’s respect the viewpoints of Pro-Lifers and stop labeling them as orthodox or overly religious. They are right when they say that life begins at conception. Every child that is born goes through different stages of life inside the womb. Life doesn’t being after week 15.

Hey, politicians, please stay out of this debate. Get your votes through your policies on eradicating poverty, homelessness, hunger, war, inequality, racism from the face of the earth. Stop dividing people into two groups because it gives birth to hate and only hate, and we need to abort hate from the face of the earth.

There is no absolute answer to the pro-life and pro-choice debate and hence let’s just live and let live.


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